Thursday, March 30, 2006

Love for all

All your sins can be forgiven
All of this was always free
Jesus loves without condition
This is what freedom means to me
Five Iron Frenzy "The Cross of St. Andrew"

in a field of yellow flowers
underneath the sun
bluest eyes that spark with lightning
boy with shoes undone
he is young, so full of hope
reveling in tiny dreams
filling up his arms with flowers
right for giving any queen
running to her,beaming bright
while cradling his prize
a flickering of yellow light
within his mother's eyes
she holds them to her heart
keeping them where they'll be safe
clasped within her very marrow
dandilions in a vase

she sees love where anyone else would see weeds
all hope is found, here is everything he needs

fathomless Your endless mercy
weight i could not lift
where do i fit in this puzzle?
what good are these gifts?
not a martyr or a saint
scarcley can i struggle through
all that i have ever wanted
was to give my best to You

Lord search my heart
create in me something clean
You see flowers in these weeds

gently lifting hands to heaven
softened by the sweetist hush
a Father sings over His children
loving them so very much
more than words could warrant
deeper than the darkest blue
more than sacrafice could merit
Lord, i give my heart to you

Lord search my heart
create in me something clean
You see flowers in these weeds
-FIF "Dandelions"

That's all for today.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

I would like a pair o' ducks

Quantum mechanics are fun.

Now before you all click back or start typing the next destination in the address bar, hear me out.

Basically it comes down to this. When we perform an experiment at the sub atomic level we get a result that is weird. Like a particle is passing through two different slits in a barrier at the same time. But when we observe the slits to see which one the particle actually does pass through we get a completely different result, and we also observe that the particle passes through only one of the slits. Here is a link that explains this much better: What the bleep do we know?

I posted this because I was thinking about something I read on my friend Mike's blog. There is a link on the side if you want to check it out. It's the post called Worthy? and the comments that people have had. It talks about how Jesus was both divine and human.

Maybe the answer to the paradox of Jesus being fully human and God is that Jesus was both, and that we feel things that Jesus didn't because we sin. Jesus was capable of feeling the things that all humans feel. But he didn't because he knew they were false. I am going to leave it at that, mainly because I really have no idea what I am talking about.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Shadow of the Giant
or things over my head.

So in the past week I was going to post a couple things, but I decided not to. One was a weird story that had nothing to do with my life, and the other had to do with my faith. Why I chose not to post them I don't know, I think I was afraid of getting negative feedback, which is weird because, pretty much the only people I know who would look here are my friends...end of thought.

So I am a big fan of the book Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card and the other seven novels that have to do with the Enderverse. (The universe in which the novels take place) I just bought and read the latest book and it raised some thoughts. The part that interested me was the goal of one of the main characters to unite the entire world under one government. Not to dissolve nations, but to create a United States of Earth so to speak. So it gets me thinking...

"That's pretty cool", I think.

"Is that what our world is heading towards?"

"Is that possible the way the world works now?"

Then I hit the one that stumps me.

Why are there nations?...I mean I get the centralized government of people and the good that brings. But why do people cling to "their" nation or a national identity. I think the EU is a good step and I think even some west African nations are going to be using the same currency soon. But would America ever become part of the United States of North America with Canada and Mexico?

And then I remember that I am a silly idealist who thinks that everyone would be happier living on a farm and doing a hard days work, instead of worrying about progress, whatever that is. And I remember that in the Enderverse the world has had an alien invasion to unite under and also has the technology to colonize other worlds, which is pretty sweet.

So then I think to myself, "I would jump on a colony ship in a heartbeat."

Monday, March 13, 2006

Hello world!
(this is scary)

Well, this is something that I may or may not get into, but thoughts tonight need to breathe, and since my good friends Mike and Mikhal have set such a good example as Mario says, Here we go!

Is it possible not to judge ourselves against others? To have these secret thoughts that we would never verbalize because it would make us sound like an a**. Like, for example, "I am so much better than so and so because I went to a better school" or "I am so glad I don't look like her". And it definitely goes the other way too. "I wish I looked like her" or "Why can I have everything that so and so has".

I am sure that I don't think the things I just wrote above and other things that I would put in the same "shallow" category. (You'll have to go with me here, cause it's my definition of shallow, you can guess what that means to me) So here is something that crept into my head tonight that kind of creeped me out, but may make some sense to those who know me:

Do I think that I am "better", or "superior" to people I come into contact with, especially people I get close to, because I believe that I have dealt with more "s#!+" than them? And then to go along with that, in order to feel close to someone do I need to feel that we are on the same level, when it comes to the level of "s#!+" we have? Like I feel close to person X because I feel that person X has dealt with relatively the same amount of stuff that I have.

Does this make any sense? Am I an a**? Am I just crazy?

Hopefully everything I blog won't freak me out.

Peace and Love