Monday, March 13, 2006

Hello world!
(this is scary)

Well, this is something that I may or may not get into, but thoughts tonight need to breathe, and since my good friends Mike and Mikhal have set such a good example as Mario says, Here we go!

Is it possible not to judge ourselves against others? To have these secret thoughts that we would never verbalize because it would make us sound like an a**. Like, for example, "I am so much better than so and so because I went to a better school" or "I am so glad I don't look like her". And it definitely goes the other way too. "I wish I looked like her" or "Why can I have everything that so and so has".

I am sure that I don't think the things I just wrote above and other things that I would put in the same "shallow" category. (You'll have to go with me here, cause it's my definition of shallow, you can guess what that means to me) So here is something that crept into my head tonight that kind of creeped me out, but may make some sense to those who know me:

Do I think that I am "better", or "superior" to people I come into contact with, especially people I get close to, because I believe that I have dealt with more "s#!+" than them? And then to go along with that, in order to feel close to someone do I need to feel that we are on the same level, when it comes to the level of "s#!+" we have? Like I feel close to person X because I feel that person X has dealt with relatively the same amount of stuff that I have.

Does this make any sense? Am I an a**? Am I just crazy?

Hopefully everything I blog won't freak me out.

Peace and Love


Blogger keesa said...

I think that as people become more comfortable in themselves, and find wholeness, happiness, and validity from within, they compare themselves to others less. I know that has been the case in my life... and, honestly, it becomes so much easier to be at peace with oneself and the world.

4:08 AM  
Blogger mike said...

Good work on the blog.

I think you are slightly crazy because I do not think that we have gone through the same shit, but we are close. However, bonds can be made over certain events in people's lives. I also think that in terms of certain things (i.e. school), it simply lends to a bias. For example, our friend Alex is indredibly smart...but he went to Luther and not somewhere else, say Harvard. He is still stupidly smart, Harvard just a a positive bias towards thoughts of people are smart who go there.

So, to cop out like none other: yes and no.

11:18 AM  
Blogger Mikhal Rebekah said...

Yep, very valid thoughts. Certainly things that probably cross our minds more than we'd like to admit. Just to restate your question in one of the ways I've thought of it... if sufferings produce perseverance, and perseverance produces character (Romans 5:3-4), is one person's character more developed, or are they more mature because of the crap they've been through?

One thing I try really hard to remember is that in many cases we really have no idea what other people have gone through. Some people, even if you think you know them well, can be holding back about their past and you may never know there are pieces missing. In fact, it's often the most painful pieces of a person's life that they choose not to share. So, grounds for judging may be hard to come by. That's not to say that if we do know a person's life inside and out it's ok to judge them in relation to our past (and I know that's not what you were saying either), it's just something to think about.

7:01 AM  

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