Thursday, March 23, 2006

I would like a pair o' ducks

Quantum mechanics are fun.

Now before you all click back or start typing the next destination in the address bar, hear me out.

Basically it comes down to this. When we perform an experiment at the sub atomic level we get a result that is weird. Like a particle is passing through two different slits in a barrier at the same time. But when we observe the slits to see which one the particle actually does pass through we get a completely different result, and we also observe that the particle passes through only one of the slits. Here is a link that explains this much better: What the bleep do we know?

I posted this because I was thinking about something I read on my friend Mike's blog. There is a link on the side if you want to check it out. It's the post called Worthy? and the comments that people have had. It talks about how Jesus was both divine and human.

Maybe the answer to the paradox of Jesus being fully human and God is that Jesus was both, and that we feel things that Jesus didn't because we sin. Jesus was capable of feeling the things that all humans feel. But he didn't because he knew they were false. I am going to leave it at that, mainly because I really have no idea what I am talking about.


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